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Very good content. The content is unique compared with other speedreading courses. I think for some of the techniques you need talents which I don't have. In the end, I think everyone will like Howard and 5 stars are a must. If you are willing to invest some time in speedreading you should watch this course.
Frank Siebers - Teacher
Very good content. A lot of techniques, and most importantly, you are required to take action throughout the lessons, which makes it very practical. Very clear and well presented, explanations are limpid. Not too much stuff, no fluff, but each lesson is long enough to go deep on its topic. I really appreciate the "interactive" doing parts, where you Howard tells you to apply immediately what he's talked about, and he's timing you while you do it.
Tobalsan - Experimental Artist
Awesome Course. Why Listen to Howard Stephen Berg? He is the Guinness World Record Holder, and you will not get a better mentor or guide for doing this and learning from the best. Provided you see videos twice make notes on EverNote.Follow word to word what he is saying. Practice the16-minute drill. Howard can make your dreams come true if you are going for an exam. Provided you practice 16 mins daily. He will build your confidence. I was crying while studying until I did this course where Howard says it's 10% reading 90% reviewing. He is a gem of a person. I would highly recommend this course. Initially, 16 min drill is taxing on your mind, but the third time it will feel better. Must for anyone planning to give an exam. Practice is a must.
Amrita Singh - Professional
Following these instructions is simple. The results I am getting are exactly what the instructor says I will get. I highly recommend this training course.
Eddie Sand - Digital Marketer
I like that he presents this step by step in a friendly coherent manner. Howard is an excellent coach and seems to really understand how the process feels for his students.
Romy Yanagisawa - Manager
Mind boggling and life-changing course! Absolutely a vital skill to be mastered (speed reading) now thanks to this special course this is possible. Massive Thanks to the author - Howard S Berg - The fastest reader in the world!
Nico Leban - Life Coach
Clear, 100% practical and applicable, and includes options as well as advice on how to apply to achieve best results. Worth twice the price.
Matthew Meyer - Project Manager